Arbitrage in Sports Betting: How to Profit from Market Inefficiencies

Arbitrage in sports betting exploits market discrepancies for guaranteed profit, covering all event outcomes — a decades-old strategy.

22 Aug, 2023 21 min read

Leonardo Maldonado

Leonardo Maldonado

arbitrage in sports betting image

Arbitrage in sports betting is a strategy that has been around for decades. It involves taking advantage of pricing discrepancies in the betting markets to make a guaranteed profit, regardless of the sporting event's outcome. The basic idea is to place two or more wagers on a single sports event so that all possible outcomes are covered. In the right situations, these wagers will return an overall profit irrespective of the result of the event.

Arbitrage betting is sometimes referred to as "sure bets" or "miracle bets" because it is a technique that can guarantee a profit. However, it is essential to note that this strategy requires careful research and analysis to identify the right opportunities. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and it is not without risk. Nevertheless, arbitrage betting can be valuable for sports bettors looking to make consistent profits when executed correctly.

To successfully execute an arbitrage betting strategy, a bettor must have accounts with multiple sportsbooks and be able to identify pricing discrepancies quickly. This requires a deep understanding of the betting markets and the ability to analyze odds and lines across various platforms. With the rise of online sports betting, executing an arbitrage betting strategy has become easier than ever. However, it still requires discipline, patience, and a willingness to work to find profitable opportunities.

Understanding Arbitrage in Sports Betting

Arbitrage in sports betting is a technique bettors use to ensure a profit regardless of the outcome of a particular event. This is achieved by placing multiple bets on the same event with different sportsbooks, taking advantage of the differences in the odds each bookmaker offers.

For example, if Sportsbook A offers odds of +120 on a particular team winning. In contrast, Sportsbook B offers odds of -110 on the same team losing. A bettor can place bets on both outcomes and guarantee a profit regardless of which team wins. This is because the bettor will receive a payout higher than their initial investment, irrespective of the event's outcome.

To successfully execute an arbitrage bet, a bettor must carefully monitor the odds offered by multiple sportsbooks and act quickly to take advantage of any discrepancies. Additionally, the bettor must ensure that the combined odds of their bets do not exceed 100%, as this would result in a loss regardless of the event's outcome.

Professional bettors often use arbitrage betting with access to multiple sportsbooks and the resources to monitor odds in real-time. However, it is essential to note that many sportsbooks have measures in place to detect and prevent arbitrage betting, and bettors who are caught engaging in this practice may have their accounts suspended or closed.

Arbitrage betting can be profitable for experienced bettors who can carefully monitor odds and act quickly to take advantage of discrepancies. However, it is essential to approach this strategy cautiously and be aware of the risks involved.

Types of Arbitrage Bets

Arbitrage betting is a popular strategy sports bettors use to guarantee a profit by betting on all possible outcomes of a game or event. Several arbitrage bets include moneyline, spread, and prop bet arbitrage.

Moneyline Arbitrage

Moneyline arbitrage involves betting on both sides of a game or event to guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome. This type of arbitrage bet is commonly used in sports such as baseball, hockey, and soccer, where ties or draws are possible. To execute a money line arbitrage bet, a bettor must find two sportsbooks offering different odds on each team to win. The bettor then places a bet on both teams, ensuring a profit no matter which team wins.

Spread Arbitrage

Spread arbitrage, also known as point spread arbitrage, involves betting on both sides of a game or event to guarantee a profit regardless of the point spread. This type of arbitrage bet is commonly used in sports such as football and basketball, where a point spread is used to even the playing field. A bettor must find two sportsbooks offering different point spreads on each team to execute a spread arbitrage bet. The bettor then bets on both teams, ensuring a profit no matter which team covers the spread.

Prop Bet Arbitrage

Prop bet arbitrage involves betting on both sides of a proposition or prop bet to guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome. Prop bets are wagers on specific events or occurrences within a game or event, such as the first team to score or the total number of points scored. To execute a prop bet arbitrage bet, a bettor must find two different sportsbooks that offer different odds on each side of the prop bet. The bettor then places a bet on both sides, ensuring a profit no matter which side wins.

Arbitrage betting can be profitable for sports bettors who can find and execute arbitrage bets. However, it requires careful research and analysis to identify opportunities and execute bets quickly before the odds change.

Identifying Arbitrage Opportunities

Identifying arbitrage opportunities in sports betting requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to monitor odds from multiple sportsbooks. Bettors must quickly identify where the books are opposite each other and take advantage of the discrepancies in odds offered by different bookmakers.

One way to find arbitrage opportunities is using software that scans odds from multiple sportsbooks and identifies discrepancies. This can save time and increase efficiency, but it is important to note that not all software is created equal. Bettors should research and choose reputable software with a proven track record of success.

Another way to identify arbitrage opportunities is by manually monitoring odds from multiple sportsbooks. This requires diligently and closely monitoring the odds for a sporting event. Bettors should compare odds offered by different bookmakers and look for discrepancies. If the total of the implied probabilities of all possible outcomes is less than 100%, an arbitrage opportunity may exist.

Bettors can also identify arbitrage opportunities by looking for differences in different sportsbooks' positive and negative odds. For example, suppose one sportsbook offers positive odds of +150 for a particular outcome. In contrast, another offers negative odds of -130 for the same outcome. In that case, there may be an arbitrage opportunity.

Bettors must act when identifying arbitrage opportunities, as odds can change rapidly. By taking advantage of discrepancies in odds offered by different bookmakers, bettors can guarantee themselves a profit regardless of the sporting event's outcome.

Arbitrage Betting Strategy

Arbitrage betting strategy is a method of betting that involves exploiting differences in odds between different sportsbooks to guarantee a profit, regardless of the outcome of the sporting event. This strategy is known as "sure betting" or "arbing."

The key to successful arbitrage sports betting is finding favorable price discrepancies at different betting sites. The bettor places multiple bets on the same event to guarantee a profit no matter the result. It's usually a result of other sportsbooks offering different odds on the same event.

To execute this strategy, the bettor must place their arbitrage bets at the same time. This is crucial because odds can change quickly, and if the bettor acts slowly, they may miss out on the opportunity to make a profit.

Arbitrage betting is a form of hedging, meaning the bettor places multiple bets to reduce their risk. However, unlike traditional hedging, which involves betting on both sides of an event, arbitrage betting involves betting on all possible outcomes. This guarantees a profit, regardless of the outcome of the event.

The success of an arbitrage betting strategy depends on the bettor's ability to find discrepancies in the odds offered by different sportsbooks. The bettor must also be aware of the probabilities of each outcome and adjust their bets accordingly.

The underdog is often the key to successful arbitrage betting. Suppose the bettor can find a sportsbook offering high odds on the underdog. In that case, they can bet on the underdog and still guarantee a profit by placing a bet on the favorite at another sportsbook.

In conclusion, the arbitrage betting strategy involves exploiting differences in odds between different sportsbooks to guarantee a profit, regardless of the sporting event's outcome. The key to successful arbitrage sports betting is finding favorable price discrepancies at different betting sites and placing multiple bets on the same event to guarantee a profit no matter the result.

Legal Aspects of Arbitrage Betting

Arbitrage betting is not illegal but is often limited or banned by bookies and sportsbooks. It is essential to understand the terms and conditions of the sportsbook before placing any bets. Some sportsbooks have strict policies against arbitrage betting and may limit or ban users who engage in it.

While arbitrage betting is not illegal, it is essential to note that some countries or states may have laws against it. The bettor's responsible for ensuring they are not breaking any laws by engaging in arbitrage betting.

Bookies and sportsbooks may have different policies regarding arbitrage betting. Some may allow it, while others may limit or ban users who engage in it. It is essential to read the terms and conditions of the sportsbook before placing any bets.

In some cases, bookies and sportsbooks may limit the money bet on a particular event. This is known as a betting limit and is often implemented to prevent arbitrage betting.

It is also important to note that bookies and sportsbooks may have different odds for the same event. This is known as a discrepancy and is what makes arbitrage betting possible. However, it is essential to carefully monitor the odds from multiple sportsbooks to identify where the differences are and take advantage of them.

In summary, arbitrage betting is not illegal, but it may be limited or banned by bookies and sportsbooks. It is essential to understand the terms and conditions of the sportsbook before placing any bets and to ensure that arbitrage betting is legal in your country or state. Bookies and sportsbooks may have different policies regarding arbitrage betting, and it is essential to carefully monitor the odds to identify discrepancies.

Using Arbitrage Calculators

Arbitrage calculators are essential for sports bettors who want to exploit arbitrage opportunities. These calculators help bettors determine the optimal stakes to place on each bet to guarantee a profit, regardless of the outcome.

Arbitrage calculators work by considering the decimal odds for each bet and the amount of money being wagered. Bettors enter the odds for each bet into the calculator, and the calculator then calculates the optimal stakes to place on each bet to ensure a profit.

One of the main advantages of using an arbitrage calculator is that it eliminates the need for manual calculations, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. With an arbitrage calculator, bettors can quickly and easily determine the optimal stakes on each bet, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Another advantage of using an arbitrage calculator is that it helps bettors identify opportunities they may have missed otherwise. By inputting the odds for each bet into the calculator, bettors can quickly determine if an arbitrage opportunity is available.

Arbitrage calculators are available online and can be used for various sports and betting markets. Some calculators are free, while others require a subscription or a fee.

Using an arbitrage calculator is essential for sports bettors who want to exploit arbitrage opportunities. Using a calculator, bettors can save time, reduce the risk of errors, and identify arbitrage opportunities they may have missed otherwise.

Impact on Sportsbooks and Bettors

Arbitrage betting can have a significant impact on both sportsbooks and bettors. It is a strategy that can provide a guaranteed profit for the bettor. Still, it can also result in substantial losses for the sportsbook.

When a bettor engages in arbitrage betting, they take advantage of the differences in odds offered by different sportsbooks. By placing bets on all possible outcomes of a sporting event, the bettor can guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome.

While this may seem like a win-win situation, it can harm sportsbooks. When sportsbooks offer different odds, they compete against each other for customers. However, when a bettor engages in arbitrage betting, they exploit the competition between sportsbooks.

As a result, sportsbooks may limit or ban bettors who engage in arbitrage betting. This is because it can result in significant losses for the sportsbook. When bettors engage in arbitrage betting, they take money from the sportsbook's pocket.

In addition, sportsbooks may also adjust their odds in response to arbitrage betting. This can make it more difficult for bettors to find opportunities for arbitrage betting.

Despite these challenges, some bettors continue to engage in arbitrage betting. They may use sophisticated software programs to find opportunities for arbitrage betting or be skilled at identifying differences in odds offered by different sportsbooks.

Overall, arbitrage betting can significantly impact both sportsbooks and bettors. While it can provide a guaranteed profit for the bettor, it can also result in significant losses for the sportsbook. As a result, sportsbooks may try to limit or ban bettors who engage in arbitrage betting and may adjust their odds in response to arbitrage betting.

Arbitrage Betting on Different Sports

Arbitrage betting is a popular strategy among sports bettors who want to guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome of a sporting event. This strategy involves placing multiple bets on the same event at different sportsbooks to exploit discrepancies in odds. This section will explore how arbitrage betting can be applied to other sports, including football, tennis, and American sports.

Football Arbitrage Betting

Football is one of the most popular sports for arbitrage betting. This is because football matches often have many betting markets, which means there are more opportunities for discrepancies in odds. Additionally, sportsbooks widely cover football matches, which means there is a lot of competition between bookmakers to offer the best odds.

A bettor must compare the odds different sportsbooks offer for the exact match to find an arbitrage opportunity in football. For example, if Sportsbook A offers odds of 2.0 for a win by the Kansas City Chiefs and Sportsbook B offers odds of 2.1 by the Baltimore Orioles, a bettor could place a bet on each team and guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome.

Tennis Arbitrage Betting

Tennis is another sport that is popular for arbitrage betting. This is because tennis matches often have many betting markets, which means there are more opportunities for discrepancies in odds. Additionally, sportsbooks widely cover tennis matches, which means there is a lot of competition between bookmakers to offer the best odds.

To find an arbitrage opportunity in tennis, a bettor must compare the odds different sportsbooks offer for the exact match. For example, if Sportsbook A offers odds of 2.0 for a win by Novak Djokovic and Sportsbook B offers odds of 2.1 by Rafael Nadal, a bettor could place a bet on each player and guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome.

American Sports Arbitrage Betting

American sports like the NFL and NBA are also popular for arbitrage betting. This is because these sports have many betting markets, which means there are more opportunities for discrepancies in odds. Additionally, sportsbooks widely cover American sports, which means there is a lot of competition between bookmakers to offer the best odds.

A bettor must compare the odds offered by different sportsbooks for the same event to find an arbitrage opportunity in American sports. For example, if Sportsbook A offers odds of 2.0 for the Brooklyn Nets to win the NBA Championship and Sportsbook B offers odds of 2.1 for the same outcome, a bettor could place a bet on each result and guarantee a profit regardless.

Arbitrage betting can be applied to various sports, including football, tennis, and American sports. By comparing the odds offered by different sportsbooks, bettors can take advantage of discrepancies in odds to guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome of a sporting event.

Risks and Challenges in Arbitrage Betting

Arbitrage betting is often touted as a risk-free way to profit in sports betting. However, there are several risks and challenges that gamblers should be aware of before engaging in arbitrage betting.

Disappearance of Arbitrage Opportunities

One significant risk in arbitrage betting is the disappearance of arbitrage opportunities. Arbitrage positions often have a brief window of opportunity, between three and 15 minutes, before disappearing from the market. Furthermore, the greater the number of 'arbors' finding and exploiting an 'arb,' the shorter the arb's lifespan becomes. Therefore, acting quickly and efficiently to take advantage of these opportunities before they disappear is essential.

Bookies Limiting Accounts

Another risk in arbitrage betting is the bookies limiting accounts. Bookies prefer to avoid gamblers who win consistently and often limit the accounts of those who engage in arbitrage betting. This can be frustrating for bettors, as it can limit their ability to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities in the future.

Inaccurate Odds

Inaccurate odds are another challenge in arbitrage betting. Bookies often adjust their odds to ensure they make a profit, which can result in incorrect odds. If the odds are accurate, it can be easier to identify profitable arbitrage opportunities.

Bots and Betting Experts

The rise of bots and betting experts has made arbitrage betting more challenging. Bots are computer programs that quickly identify and place bets on arbitrage opportunities. Similarly, betting experts have years of experience and can identify arbitrage opportunities more rapidly than the average gambler. This increased competition can make taking advantage of profitable arbitrage opportunities more challenging.

Highest Odds

Finally, finding the highest odds for each outcome can challenge arbitrage betting. Gamblers must bet on all possible results of an event and find the highest odds for each outcome to make a profit. This can be time-consuming and require extensive research to find the best odds.

In conclusion, while arbitrage betting can be profitable, it has risks and challenges. Gamblers must be aware of these risks and challenges and work to mitigate them to increase their chances of success.